Источник бесперебойного питания TrippLite SUINT3000XLCD (SUINT3000XLCD)

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картинка Источник бесперебойного питания TrippLite SUINT3000XLCD (SUINT3000XLCD) от магазина itmag.kz
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Buy Источник бесперебойного питания TrippLite SUINT3000XLCD (SUINT3000XLCD) in category Источник бесперебойного питания TrippLite SUINT3000XLCD (SUINT3000XLCD) in online store itmag.kz

Полное наименование: ИБП TrippLite/SUINT3000XLCD/Smart X-Series/On-Line/Tower/IEC/3 000 VА/2 700 W

  • ID товара: 35741
  • Быстрая доставка: нет
  • Бренд: Tripp Lite
  • Выходные соединения: (8) IEC 320 C13 +(1) IEC 320 C19
  • Диапазон входного напряжения: 175,280
  • Интерфейс: IEC
  • Модель: SUINT3000XLCD
  • Мощность (VA): 3 000
  • Мощность (W): 2 700
  • ПО: есть
  • Серия: On-Line
  • Стабилизатор (AVR): есть
  • Типовая продолжительность работы при 100% нагрузке, мин : 4.4
  • Форм-фактор: Башня
  • Артикул: SUINT3000XLCD
  • Гарантия, месяцев: 24
  • Вес, кг: 27.5
  • Ссылка на товар на сайте itmag.kz
  • Описание для счёта: ИБП TrippLite/SUINT3000XLCD/Smart X-Series/On-Line/Tower/IEC/3 000 VА/2 700 W
  • Внимание!: Изображения и характеристики товара могут отличаться от реальных параметров. Пожалуйста, уточняйте информацию у менеджера.
  • Новинка: нет
  • Краткое описание: ИБП TrippLite/SUINT3000XLCD/Smart X-Series/On-Line/Tower/IEC/3 000 VА/2 700 W

What is Источник бесперебойного питания TrippLite SUINT3000XLCD (SUINT3000XLCD)?

Источник бесперебойного питания TrippLite SUINT3000XLCD (SUINT3000XLCD) is a top-of-the-line uninterruptible power supply (UPS). It is designed to provide backup power to critical electronic devices and protect them from power disruptions, such as blackouts, voltage fluctuations, and power surges. With its advanced technology and robust features, the TrippLite SUINT3000XLCD ensures uninterrupted power supply to keep your devices running smoothly and protect them from potential damage.

How is it used?

The TrippLite SUINT3000XLCD is easy to use and install. It features a tower design and can be conveniently placed in any suitable location. The UPS is equipped with multiple outlets, including 8 IEC 320 C13 and 1 IEC 320 C19 connections, allowing you to connect a variety of devices simultaneously. The built-in LCD display provides essential information about the UPS's status, battery life, and load levels, ensuring you are always aware of its performance.

The UPS operates in online mode, meaning it continually supplies power from the battery, which is being charged simultaneously. This provides instantaneous power backup, ensuring your devices stay operational during power outages or other electrical disturbances. The On-Line technology employed by the SUINT3000XLCD guarantees a seamless transition between different power sources, providing the highest level of protection and reliability.

How does it help?

The TrippLite SUINT3000XLCD offers numerous benefits to both residential and commercial users. Here are a few key advantages:

  1. Reliable Power Protection: With its advanced technology and high-quality components, the SUINT3000XLCD ensures reliable backup power to protect your valuable electronic devices. It safeguards against power disruptions, preventing data loss, equipment damage, and system downtime.

  2. Improved Efficiency: The UPS is designed to deliver optimal efficiency, maximizing power utilization and minimizing energy consumption. It provides clean and stable power, suitable for sensitive electronic equipment, ensuring their optimum performance and longevity.

  3. Versatility: The SUINT3000XLCD is suitable for a wide range of applications, including home offices, small businesses, server rooms, and data centers. It can support multiple devices simultaneously, making it ideal for powering computers, servers, networking equipment, and other critical electronics.

  4. Intelligent Monitoring: The built-in LCD display and advanced management capabilities allow you to monitor and control the UPS easily. You can keep track of critical parameters, such as battery status, load levels, and input/output voltage, ensuring the UPS operates optimally.

  5. Enhanced Safety: The SUINT3000XLCD features integrated circuit protection, surge protection, and voltage regulation to safeguard your equipment from electrical hazards. It also provides isolation from utility power, eliminating the risk of ground loops and reducing the likelihood of equipment damage.

Who usually uses them?

The TrippLite SUINT3000XLCD is a popular choice among individuals and organizations that rely on continuous power supply to protect their critical electronic devices. It is widely used in:

  • Home offices and small businesses
  • Medical facilities
  • Educational institutions
  • Data centers and server rooms
  • Telecommunication installations
  • Industrial applications

Whether you need to power your home office or ensure uninterrupted operation of mission-critical systems, the SUINT3000XLCD provides a reliable solution for your power backup needs.

What joy Источник бесперебойного питания TrippLite SUINT3000XLCD (SUINT3000XLCD) brings?

The joy of using the TrippLite SUINT3000XLCD lies in the peace of mind it brings. Knowing that your electronic devices are protected from power disruptions and that your important work and data will not be lost due to unexpected outages or surges is a great relief. With its intelligent monitoring features and high-performance capabilities, the SUINT3000XLCD allows you to focus on your work without worrying about power interruptions. It ensures your devices keep running smoothly, enabling you to stay connected, productive, and stress-free.

Funny Story about Источник бесперебойного питания TrippLite SUINT3000XLCD (SUINT3000XLCD) ?

Once upon a time, in a world full of unpredictable power supply, there was a magical device called the TrippLite SUINT3000XLCD. This incredible uninterruptible power supply had the power to keep all electronic devices running smoothly, no matter what.

In the land of IT professionals, where servers and networking equipment ruled, the SUINT3000XLCD became the ultimate champion. It stood tall like a tower, guarding against the evil forces of power outages and voltage fluctuations. Its eight IEC 320 C13 outlets and one IEC 320 C19 outlet sparkled like precious gems, ready to connect and protect multiple devices.

One day, a power blackout struck the kingdom. The lights went out, and chaos ensued. But fear not, for the SUINT3000XLCD sprang into action. With its On-Line technology, it seamlessly switched to battery power, saving the day and preserving the smooth operation of all devices.

As the IT professionals praised the mighty SUINT3000XLCD for its unwavering reliability, word spread throughout the kingdom. People from all walks of life began to appreciate the power and protection it offered. From small businesses to medical facilities, everyone wanted a slice of its power-saving magic.

The SUINT3000XLCD became a superhero, admired for its intelligent monitoring abilities. The LCD display, like a wise oracle, provided essential information about battery life, load levels, and input/output voltages. It was like having a personal assistant, constantly watching over the devices, ensuring they were safe and sound.

With each success story, the SUINT3000XLCD grew more popular. People marveled at its versatility, as it supported computers, servers, and even their favorite gaming consoles. It was like having a guardian angel, protecting their devices from electrical hazards and providing a stable power supply.

As the kingdom flourished, the SUINT3000XLCD brought joy to everyone who used it. The sound of uninterrupted work, the feeling of security during storms, and the ability to continue binge-watching their favorite TV shows – all thanks to this magical device.

And so, the TrippLite SUINT3000XLCD lived happily ever after, providing power, protection, and joy to all who embraced its mystical powers. Its legend spread far and wide, ensuring that no one ever had to worry about power disruptions again.

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Are you looking for a reliable, top-quality uninterruptible power supply? Look no further! The Источник бесперебойного питания TrippLite SUINT3000XLCD (SUINT3000XLCD) is here to save the day. With its advanced features and unbeatable performance, it ensures your devices stay powered up and protected. Benefit from the ? good price, ✨ promotions, and ? discounts available. Enjoy the ? features, read the ? reviews, and take advantage of the ⚡️ warranty and ? cashback options. You can even pay with ? credit or choose convenient ? payment in installments. With fast ? delivery all over ?? Kazakhstan, including Almaty, you'll receive your SUINT3000XLCD in no time. Don't miss out on this amazing power-saving solution!


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