Сервер HP Enterprise ProLiant DL380 Gen10 (P24841-B21)

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картинка Сервер HP Enterprise ProLiant DL380 Gen10 (P24841-B21) от магазина itmag.kz
картинка Сервер HP Enterprise ProLiant DL380 Gen10 (P24841-B21) от магазина itmag.kz
картинка Сервер HP Enterprise ProLiant DL380 Gen10 (P24841-B21) от магазина itmag.kz
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Buy Сервер HP Enterprise ProLiant DL380 Gen10 (P24841-B21) at IT Mag


Are you looking for a robust and reliable server for your business needs? Look no further than the Сервер HP Enterprise ProLiant DL380 Gen10 (P24841-B21). With its powerful processing capabilities, ample storage options, and top-notch performance, this server is designed to meet the most demanding requirements of modern businesses.

Key Features

  • Model: DL380 Gen10
  • Processor: Xeon Silver
  • Processor Cores: 10
  • Processor Threads: 20
  • Processor Speed: 2.4 GHz
  • Maximum Turbo Boost Frequency: 3200 MHz
  • Memory: 32 GB DDR4
  • Storage: 8 SFF
  • RAID Controller: P408i-a w/2GB
  • Network Connectivity: 4x1 GbE
  • Operating System: Not included
  • Power Supply: 1 x 800W Platinum


The Сервер HP Enterprise ProLiant DL380 Gen10 (P24841-B21) is a powerful and versatile server that offers excellent performance for a wide range of applications. With its Intel Xeon Silver processor, this server can handle even the most demanding workloads with ease. Whether you're running resource-intensive databases, virtualization environments, or high-performance computing tasks, this server has got you covered.

With 10 processor cores and 20 threads, the DL380 Gen10 delivers exceptional multi-threaded performance. This means you can run multiple applications simultaneously without any slowdowns or bottlenecks. Whether you're running complex analytics, virtual machines, or database queries, this server can handle it all.

The DL380 Gen10 comes with 32 GB of DDR4 memory, providing ample space for data processing and storage. The server also supports up to 24 memory slots, allowing you to expand the memory capacity as your business grows. This ensures that your server can handle the increasing demands of your applications and data.

In terms of storage, the DL380 Gen10 offers 8 Small Form Factor (SFF) drive bays, providing ample space for your storage needs. Whether you need high-performance SSDs or high-capacity HDDs, this server can accommodate your requirements. The built-in RAID controller ensures data redundancy and protection, allowing you to store and retrieve your data with peace of mind.

The server also comes with multiple connectivity options, including 4x1 GbE network ports, ensuring fast and reliable data transfer. Whether you're connecting to local network resources or accessing the server remotely, you can depend on the DL380 Gen10 to deliver excellent network performance.

With its sleek and compact design, the DL380 Gen10 is a perfect fit for any data center or server room. The server's rack-mounted form factor allows for easy installation and efficient use of space. Whether you have limited space or a large data center, this server can be seamlessly integrated into your infrastructure.

Who Uses the Сервер HP Enterprise ProLiant DL380 Gen10?

The Сервер HP Enterprise ProLiant DL380 Gen10 is an ideal choice for businesses of all sizes. Whether you're a small startup, a mid-sized company, or a large enterprise, this server offers the performance, reliability, and scalability that you need to run your business-critical applications.

This server is particularly well-suited for businesses that require robust computing power, such as those in the fields of finance, engineering, research, and data analysis. With its powerful processing capabilities and high memory capacity, the DL380 Gen10 can handle complex calculations, simulations, and data processing tasks with ease.

Additionally, the server's flexible storage options make it perfect for businesses that require reliable and scalable storage solutions. Whether you need to store large amounts of data, run complex databases, or manage virtualized environments, the DL380 Gen10 has the storage capacity and performance to meet your needs.

Benefits of the Сервер HP Enterprise ProLiant DL380 Gen10

Investing in the Сервер HP Enterprise ProLiant DL380 Gen10 brings a range of benefits to your business:

  1. Powerful Performance: The server's Intel Xeon Silver processor, ample memory, and high-speed connectivity ensure outstanding performance for your business-critical applications.

  2. Reliability and Redundancy: The built-in RAID controller provides data redundancy and protection, minimizing the risk of data loss. You can depend on the DL380 Gen10 to keep your data safe and accessible.

  3. Scalability: The server's expandable memory and storage options allow you to scale your infrastructure as your business grows. You can easily add more resources to meet your changing requirements.

  4. Efficient Use of Space: The server's rack-mounted form factor allows for efficient use of space in your data center or server room. You can maximize your infrastructure without compromising performance.

  5. Versatile Connectivity: The DL380 Gen10 offers multiple connectivity options, ensuring fast and reliable data transfer. You can connect to your network resources and access the server remotely with ease.

  6. Cost-Effective Solution: The DL380 Gen10 provides excellent value for money, offering enterprise-level performance and reliability at a competitive price point. You can achieve high performance without breaking the bank.

Buy the Сервер HP Enterprise ProLiant DL380 Gen10 (P24841-B21) at IT Mag

At IT Mag, we offer the best deals and discounts on the Сервер HP Enterprise ProLiant DL380 Gen10 (P24841-B21). Take advantage of our promotions and special offers to get this outstanding server at a great price.

With our easy and secure online ordering process, you can buy the DL380 Gen10 with confidence. We offer multiple payment options, including cashback and credit options, to make your purchase convenient and hassle-free.

Plus, all our products come with a comprehensive warranty, ensuring that you're covered in case of any issues or defects. We are committed to providing exceptional customer service and support, so you can rely on us for all your server needs.

Don't miss out on this fantastic server. Get the Сервер HP Enterprise ProLiant DL380 Gen10 (P24841-B21) today and experience top-tier performance and reliability for your business. Order now and take your business to new heights!

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Please note: The images and specifications of the product may vary from the actual parameters. Please contact our sales manager for accurate information.


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