Line-Interactive Источник бесперебойного питания, CyberPower VALUE2200EILCD, выходная мощность 2200VA/1320W, LCD, AVR, RS-232, RJ11/RJ45, USB, 6 выходных разъемов типа IEC C13, PowerPanel® Personal Edition. С автоматическим регулированием напряжения (AVR)
SEO Full Description: Buy Line-Interactive Power Supply, CyberPower VALUE2200EILCD, with an output power of 2200VA/1320W, LCD, AVR, RS-232, RJ11/RJ45, USB, 6 IEC C13 output sockets, and PowerPanel® Personal Edition. With automatic voltage regulation (AVR). Available at, an online store in Kazakhstan.
Introduction to Line-Interactive Power Supplies
Line-Interactive Power Supplies are essential devices that provide uninterrupted power to your electronic equipment during unexpected power outages or fluctuations in the electrical supply. Designed to regulate voltage and protect your valuable devices, Line-Interactive Power Supplies offer numerous benefits and are widely used in various industries and homes.
Key Features and Benefits
- LCD Display: The CyberPower VALUE2200EILCD features an LCD display for easy monitoring and configuration of the power supply.
- Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR): With AVR, the power supply automatically adjusts the voltage to provide stable power to your connected devices.
- Multiple Interfaces: The power supply is equipped with RS-232, RJ11/RJ45, and USB interfaces for enhanced connectivity options.
- IEC C13 Output Sockets: The six IEC C13 output sockets allow you to connect multiple devices to the power supply.
- PowerPanel® Personal Edition: The included PowerPanel® Personal Edition software provides advanced monitoring and management capabilities.
- Uninterrupted Power Supply: The Line-Interactive Power Supply ensures that your electronic devices receive continuous power, even during power outages.
- Protection Against Voltage Fluctuations: The AVR technology in the power supply safeguards your equipment against voltage fluctuations, preventing damage and data loss.
- Enhanced Connectivity: With various interfaces, the power supply allows you to connect different devices and manage them efficiently.
- Flexibility and Versatility: The IEC C13 output sockets enable you to connect a wide range of devices, including computers, servers, networking equipment, and more.
- Advanced Monitoring and Management: The PowerPanel® Personal Edition software gives you full control over your power supply, allowing you to monitor power consumption, adjust settings, and receive notifications.
Who Uses Line-Interactive Power Supplies?
Line-Interactive Power Supplies are used by individuals, businesses, and organizations that rely on electronic equipment for their daily operations. They are commonly used in:
- Offices: To ensure uninterrupted power supply for computers, servers, and other office equipment.
- Data Centers: To protect critical IT infrastructure from power interruptions and voltage fluctuations.
- Home Offices: To safeguard personal computers, routers, modems, and other essential devices from power-related issues.
- Healthcare Facilities: To provide reliable power to medical equipment and prevent disruptions during treatments.
- Retail Stores: To protect point-of-sale systems, cash registers, and other electronic devices from power surges.
- Educational Institutions: To ensure uninterrupted power supply for computers, projectors, and audiovisual equipment in classrooms and labs.
The Joy of Using Line-Interactive Power Supplies
Using a Line-Interactive Power Supply, such as the CyberPower VALUE2200EILCD, brings a sense of security and peace of mind. You no longer have to worry about sudden power outages damaging your electronics or losing important data. These power supplies provide the convenience of uninterrupted operation, increased flexibility, and protection against voltage fluctuations.
Whether you're working on an important project, playing a game, or simply browsing the internet, the Line-Interactive Power Supply ensures a continuous power supply, allowing you to focus on what you love without any interruptions.
Funny Story: The Unstoppable Power Supply
Once upon a time, in a world filled with electronic devices and constant power outages, there was a remarkable Line-Interactive Power Supply named CyberPower VALUE2200EILCD. This power supply was no ordinary device. It had the ability to protect electronics from unexpected power interruptions and voltage fluctuations with its superpower – Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR).
In a small town called Technoland, where computer wizards and tech enthusiasts gathered, the CyberPower VALUE2200EILCD was a well-known hero. People relied on its unwavering power supply to keep their computers, gaming consoles, and televisions running smoothly, even when the rest of the town was in darkness.
One stormy night, a massive lightning strike hit Technoland, causing havoc and plunging the town into darkness. But amidst the chaos, the CyberPower VALUE2200EILCD stood tall, unaffected by the power outage. Its LCD display illuminated, showing the remaining battery life and the calm smiley face emoji ?.
The townspeople marveled at its resilience and praised its ability to protect their beloved devices. They called it the "Unstoppable Power Supply" and shared stories of its heroic deeds during late-night gatherings at the local café.
From that day forward, the CyberPower VALUE2200EILCD became a legend, with people from neighboring towns seeking its protection for their electronics. The town's mayor even declared an annual holiday in honor of the power supply, where discounts, promotions, and funny competitions were held to celebrate its services.
So, whenever you face a power outage or voltage fluctuations, remember the legendary CyberPower VALUE2200EILCD, the Line-Interactive Power Supply that brings joy, security, and uninterrupted power to your electronic devices. It's not just a power supply; it's a superhero saving the day (and your devices) with a touch of humor.
Take Advantage of the Good Price, Promotions, and Fast Delivery
Don't miss out on the opportunity to experience the benefits of the CyberPower VALUE2200EILCD Line-Interactive Power Supply. Purchase it now at a good price and take advantage of the promotions, discounts, fast delivery, and various payment options, including cashback and credit. With its exceptional features, rave reviews, and warranty, this power supply is your ticket to uninterrupted power and peace of mind.
Create a secure and reliable power supply for your electronic devices with CyberPower VALUE2200EILCD, the Line-Interactive Power Supply of choice in Kazakhstan!
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